This is part 1 of a 3-part interview by editor Rev. Joe Wallace with yours truly specifically about Hour of Slack production and SubGenius audio history. Part two will be up tomorrow, according to theory.
Also in the news:
Also, condom designs by Rev. Winston Smith, Coop, Peter Bagge!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
May 'STARK FIST OF REMOVAL' Newsletter - teX-Day, New DVDs, Misc. Linkslack
I just sent this to the 3,000 on the SubGenius Email List of the Gods
( SIGN UP HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T -- we cannot automatically add you! )
but I figured it wouldn't hurt to splash it around here too.
THE STARK FIST OF REMOVAL Newsletter May "2007"
In This Issue:
teX-Day This Weekend - and Free Videos
Euro-X-Day, May 12
Amino Acids CD release
X-Day is Coming! (July)
Starwood and Burning Star
The SubGenius GAME is back!
X-Day '98 Now on DVD
Night of Slack now on DVD
New Animation DVD
Dr. Hal's New Dinosaur Book
Some Oddball SubGenius Video Links
News for Ministers, News of Magdalen
It's the spam you requested! And, as promised last time, it's not even all spam. After the list of upcoming devivals and new religious products from the Church (DVDs and a game), this newsletter has a looong line of links to many Slack-filled forms of free Time Control.
Alt.Slack remains your MOST up-to-date (and maddening!) source of SubGenius Brand News and -- uh, SATIRE. Yeah, that's right, SATIRE. That's all it is. Good clean healthy satire, Officer.
There are many ways to look at Usenet newsgroups like alt.slack, but the easiest for most Subs is probably via Google Groups' version of alt.slack
TeX-Day this weekend; teX-Day videos online
TeX-Day 2007 is THIS WEEKEND, May 5, and we're EXCITED, since it's a meeting of many of old-time original Texas Apostles as well as many new and ASTONISHINGLY YOUNG ones. (They may seem so young to me only because I am now astonishingly OLD.) Such was our excitement that we've thrash-edited the videotapes and stills from teX-Day 2005 into what Rev. Artemia Salina calls an "actio-mentary" -- and also a 10-minute promo trailer.
Both versions are on one page at:
The longer one features many more songs and sermon clips than the short promo, including Rev. Chupacabra's timeless and heartfelt testimonial, and slo-mo replay of many Launchings.
This year's teX-Day III:
May 5-6 weekend, Dragonz Wylde Ranch, Red Rock, Texas, near Austin
I, Stang will be there, as will host Loke E. Coyote, many bands including The Great Groovy Neptune, Sister Decadence, Princess Wei, Dok Frop, THAT, Col. Sphinx Drummond, Launchings, Doktor Music, Sex Temple!
Directions, tickets, and details are at the teX-Day website
May 12-18 - Euro-X-DAY 2007
Various Noted Clubs, Bars, Coffee Shops - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
At least 70 people are planning to converge for this insane multi-venue LIFE EXPERIENCE! But the venues and hotels may change so we suggest following Euro_SubGenius at or emailing the evil Pope Black ( for details.
June 16 - Amino Acids New CD Release Gut Blow-Out
The Magic Stick, 4120 Woodward, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Nothing is more BASIC than the amino acids. They are everywhere and they are anonymous, but if it weren't for them, there would be NO DNA AT ALL.
The new Amino Acids album "Humanity Will Fall Like Pins" could be called "music to ride an experimental test rocket bareback directly into the Sun through a dense meteor shower while beating back attacking robodemons with bare fists by." One might alternatively term it SciFi Surf Punk Masked-Man SuperVillain Metal. Previous albums might have fit the "Superhero Metal" genre but this is definitely more Brainiac and The Joker than Batman or Superman. (But it's still KINDA Superman and a whole lot of Batman.) "The Ennio Morricone of Surf Music!"
Also with EASY ACTION, STYLEX, FUN ENDER, and the most elaborate Acidic staging plans yet. Many will perish!
JULY 4-8 - Brushwood, Sherman, New York
This is THE SubGenius World Destruction Event!
(The world ends on July 5 at 7 a.m.; party continues for SubGenii aboard Escape Vessels)
Featuring The Amino Acids, Bonobos Convergence, Fake UFO Evidence Hoax Contest, SubGenius Wedding Ow-My-Costume-Ball, Dr. Dark's Drive-In, Dr. Hal, Priestess Pisces, Rev. Carter LeBlanc, Rev. Susie the Floozy, Lonesome Cowboy Dave & Mondo Retardo Band with Princess Wei, Rev. Ivan Stang, everybody on the SubGenius IRC and alt.slack, Scientology & Other Cult Horror Tales Round Table, Scrapple Toss
, Pancake Orgy, Liquid 'Frop Tasting, much more.
"It's like GITMO, but in reverse." - Rev. Carter €
X-Day postcard 1, Side 2
- Zapanaz
JULY 24-29 - STARWOOD 27, BRUSHWOOD, Sherman, New York, USA
Largest Neo-Pagan and Multi-Weirdo Event in the NE - SubGenius Devival included
August 17-18 - BURNING STAR
Near Syracuse, New York, USA
INSANE FESTIVAL!! Inspired by Burning Man and Starwood.
These are the same guys that brought a Time Machine to the last
Starwood, and caused all that turbulence downStream in the Temporal Timestream. Rev. Ivan Stang Devival and Video Barrage included
Steve Jackson's Illuminati New World Order SubGenius Game - Back in Scatalog
This is a hundred-card non-collectible set from STEVE JACKSON GAMES, written and designed by Steve Jackson and Ivan Stang, featuring over 100 full color art pieces provided by the greatest artists of alt.binaries.slack. It can be played independently, or incorporated within SJG's sprawling ILLUMINATI NEW WORLD ORDER universe of TOTAL PARANOIA.
Here's a preview (from 1997)
Until now, several classic SubGenius videos were only available in VHS. We have painstakingly remastered several of them onto 2 separate DVDs, and added many new extras such as subtitles so that both collections are as densely Slack-packed as possible. Besides the oldies, there's also a brand new collection of 2 hours of SubGenius animation.
X-DAY "1998" DVD
It's like an Hour of Slack radio show, but you can see it. Footage taken from 6 camera sources just before and after the world ended, slam-cut by Rev. Ivan Stang into a compressed vision of life among the SubGeniuses during their violent and apocalyptic X-Day Drill (held at a clothing-optional campground deep in New York's Amish country). ((Winner, Dallas Video Festival, 1998)) 1 hour 44 minutes. Much nudity, profane language.
EXTRAS: 5X-Day 2002 (22 minute dokumentally), X-Day Commercial; DVD menu pages have minute-long special hypnotic soundtracks,
trance-inducing collage imagery
Not recommended for mature audiences
Includes the 1984 NIGHT OF SLACK Devival, The Making of SUBGENIUS/MTV, "Bob's" Lunch Hour, 1990 SubGenius Art Gallery Show, and more
NIGHT OF SLACK -- The legendary 1984 San Francisco revival at which "Bob" first 'died.' Pope David N. Meyer, The Band That Dare Not Speak Its Name, Dr. Hal, Rev. Ivan Stang, Pope Sternodox, Doktors 4 "Bob".
You'll "LAK TO DIE" when you see Dobbs in a flying saucer, blowing up the MTV building (a pyramid with an eye on it); the stop-motion death in flames of Barbie and Ken; live recreations of two SubGenius book covers; and Dobbs being worshiped by slinky devil-girls in Hell. During the sometimes surreal shooting, we also shot this 40-minute look behind the scenes.
The SUBGENIUS ART SHOW AT PSYCHEDELIC SOLUTION GALLERY, NYC (1990) -- now fully subtitled so you can tell who the "famous" celebrities are!
"Bob's" LUNCH HOUR starring Dr. Philo Drummond as "Bob" (Started in1977 - finished in 2007)
Dr. Hal interviewed re: "Bob's" Shooting, 1984
UNSEEN INTERVIEWS: LIES (Paul Mavrides), Pope Sternodox and Puzzling Evidence - uncut footage from 1981 World SubCon videos, shot for Showtime "What's Up America"; LIES & Puzzling Evidence - 2-minute "interview" from 1985; Dr. G. Gordon Gordon Goes Fishing with Snavely and Philo - 1991
PSYCHLODELIACA DVD - The Oilslide Collection
The first hour of this program was made by Rev. Ivan Stang specifically for projection at live stage shows, devivals, raves, etc, and presents pure eye-candy and instrumental music with only the occasional Dobbshead or OverMan peeking through. The second hour involves shorter pieces, animation/music videos focused on "Bob," made mostly by Stang since the Dobbsedeliasteses collection was done. Almost all of these can be seen in gritty no-res teeny-vision on YouTube or Google Video, but many excited SubGenii who have seen these projected at live shows have asked for these trippy visuals on DVD.
"This book should be required reading. This is the best book that truly unmasks the conspiracy. It is so good I am almost taking it seriously. With all due respect to the Book of the SubGenius and the latest one. They are not as in-depth as this one on one specific subject. It is the ultimate SubGenius conspiracy life self help book. Kudos to all involved. Now fuck off." -- Rev. Chain Smerker
Dinosaur Alphabet
By Harry S. Robins (known to the SubGenius Race as Dr. Hal/Dr. Howl)
Frog Ltd./North Atlantic Books
If you're familiar with Hal's comics and SubGenius artwork, I need say little more. DINOSAUR ALPHABET makes the perfect gift for any adult dinosaur fan, because chances are good that this is one book they don't even know about -- in bookstores, it's in the Children's Nonfiction section. This is possibly because each pictured dinosaur is also described in verse!
The dinosaurs (and dinosaur-like creatures) that Hal so vividly describes and depicts in eye-watering color are ones you never heard of -- Euoplocephalus, Fabrosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Huayangosaurus, Quaesitosaurus, Rhoetosaurus, Vulcanodon, Zuniceratops, all of them intricately rendered, and all described in more scientific detail in a long appendix.
See the cover art in these on-web reviews:
Laughing Squid review
Boing-boing review of the book
$18.95 (But only $13.95 at!)
If you like your news delivered to you WEIRD, we heartily recommend subscribing to Rev. Modemac's free Bulldada Newsblog & daily SubGenius Calendar. Every day this SubGenius Mad Doktor collects together the most bizarre and absurd news links from around the Internet. It's as if Charles Fort ran the Drudge Report.
SubGenius wiki sites
Modemac assembled this page of links showing how the Church of
the SubGenius is portrayed on various wiki "encyclopedia" sites out
there. And some of them are indeed pretty OUT THERE.
For that matter, there's more of everything at
SubGenius Ascendancy
The Are You Subgenius Test
St. Byron Werner's amazing radio show RURAL WAR ROOM (broadcast on the Little Rock indie station KABF Tuesdays at
10 pm) now being podcast! to download these half-hour shows
Secret Sex Cult Origins of the SubGenius
Scientists have discovered that both Discordianism and the Church of the SubGenius are actually descended from a secret Islamic sex cult founded in New Jersey in the 1800s!
Discordianism (and SubGenius) in court
Reverend Magdalen is not the first SubGenius forced to defend her
religion in court. Discordianism has also appeared in a court case --
along with an explanation of the SubGenius Short Duration Marriage.
Stang Videos (anything WITH Stang) on Video Google
SUB-AD page with Stang vid list
City Lights San Francisco SubGenius Book Signing
In this video excerpt you only see Dr. Hal, but you hear heckling by
Dr. Philo Drummond, Puzzling Evidence, Pissbaptist John Shirley, and
(towards the end) St. Palmer Vreedeez of The LIES Foundation.
(Look at her list of videos and you'll see that B ug Girl has put many Dr. Hal performances on You Tube!)
The Man from SLAK
George Clinton Sub Video
Illuminati Symbols EVERYWHERE!
Revised "BOB" Sayings
The three feature documentaries that I, Stang wrote and edited for director Mickey Grant in the previous century have been put on Google Video by Mickey. These include THE CU CHI TUNNELS, the only American film I know of that depicts the Vietnam War AS RECOUNTED BY THE VIET CONG. Some scenes are pretty excruciating. Also, this film features more one-armed people than most documentaries do.
When you get the ordainment package, remember to fill out and mail back the "Confirmation Postcard" or else you won't get mailings on such occasions as they occur. We've been updating our Sacred Mailing List/Book of Life, or trying to, and it seems that we've sold a lot of Memberships to people who aren't finishing the process by sending in that little postcard.
YOUR DONATIONS DID THE TRICK! She n eeded $2000 and got $5,000! That helps a lot with the Bevilacquas' huge legal debt. She can still use all the help she can get, though! At one point, some unnamed donator managed to place the online donations counter at exactly $3333.33 . . . and it stayed lodged in that position for several days!
Donations button
Details of the case
The text of Judge Adams' decision in the case of Reverend Magdalen, is now available online. You can download it from the wiki page for Magdalen, along with all of the other links; the link is available at the top and bottom of the page.
An appellate court hearing is scheduled for May and we have high hopes that once a panel of real judges hears the case, real justice will be done.
Praise be to all who have helped in the fight for Slack for so long!
( SIGN UP HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T -- we cannot automatically add you! )
but I figured it wouldn't hurt to splash it around here too.
THE STARK FIST OF REMOVAL Newsletter May "2007"
In This Issue:
teX-Day This Weekend - and Free Videos
Euro-X-Day, May 12
Amino Acids CD release
X-Day is Coming! (July)
Starwood and Burning Star
The SubGenius GAME is back!
X-Day '98 Now on DVD
Night of Slack now on DVD
New Animation DVD
Dr. Hal's New Dinosaur Book
Some Oddball SubGenius Video Links
News for Ministers, News of Magdalen
It's the spam you requested! And, as promised last time, it's not even all spam. After the list of upcoming devivals and new religious products from the Church (DVDs and a game), this newsletter has a looong line of links to many Slack-filled forms of free Time Control.
Alt.Slack remains your MOST up-to-date (and maddening!) source of SubGenius Brand News and -- uh, SATIRE. Yeah, that's right, SATIRE. That's all it is. Good clean healthy satire, Officer.
There are many ways to look at Usenet newsgroups like alt.slack, but the easiest for most Subs is probably via Google Groups' version of alt.slack
TeX-Day this weekend; teX-Day videos online
TeX-Day 2007 is THIS WEEKEND, May 5, and we're EXCITED, since it's a meeting of many of old-time original Texas Apostles as well as many new and ASTONISHINGLY YOUNG ones. (They may seem so young to me only because I am now astonishingly OLD.) Such was our excitement that we've thrash-edited the videotapes and stills from teX-Day 2005 into what Rev. Artemia Salina calls an "actio-mentary" -- and also a 10-minute promo trailer.
Both versions are on one page at:
The longer one features many more songs and sermon clips than the short promo, including Rev. Chupacabra's timeless and heartfelt testimonial, and slo-mo replay of many Launchings.
This year's teX-Day III:
May 5-6 weekend, Dragonz Wylde Ranch, Red Rock, Texas, near Austin
I, Stang will be there, as will host Loke E. Coyote, many bands including The Great Groovy Neptune, Sister Decadence, Princess Wei, Dok Frop, THAT, Col. Sphinx Drummond, Launchings, Doktor Music, Sex Temple!
Directions, tickets, and details are at the teX-Day website
May 12-18 - Euro-X-DAY 2007
Various Noted Clubs, Bars, Coffee Shops - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
At least 70 people are planning to converge for this insane multi-venue LIFE EXPERIENCE! But the venues and hotels may change so we suggest following Euro_SubGenius at or emailing the evil Pope Black ( for details.
June 16 - Amino Acids New CD Release Gut Blow-Out
The Magic Stick, 4120 Woodward, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Nothing is more BASIC than the amino acids. They are everywhere and they are anonymous, but if it weren't for them, there would be NO DNA AT ALL.
The new Amino Acids album "Humanity Will Fall Like Pins" could be called "music to ride an experimental test rocket bareback directly into the Sun through a dense meteor shower while beating back attacking robodemons with bare fists by." One might alternatively term it SciFi Surf Punk Masked-Man SuperVillain Metal. Previous albums might have fit the "Superhero Metal" genre but this is definitely more Brainiac and The Joker than Batman or Superman. (But it's still KINDA Superman and a whole lot of Batman.) "The Ennio Morricone of Surf Music!"
Also with EASY ACTION, STYLEX, FUN ENDER, and the most elaborate Acidic staging plans yet. Many will perish!
JULY 4-8 - Brushwood, Sherman, New York
This is THE SubGenius World Destruction Event!
(The world ends on July 5 at 7 a.m.; party continues for SubGenii aboard Escape Vessels)
Featuring The Amino Acids, Bonobos Convergence, Fake UFO Evidence Hoax Contest, SubGenius Wedding Ow-My-Costume-Ball, Dr. Dark's Drive-In, Dr. Hal, Priestess Pisces, Rev. Carter LeBlanc, Rev. Susie the Floozy, Lonesome Cowboy Dave & Mondo Retardo Band with Princess Wei, Rev. Ivan Stang, everybody on the SubGenius IRC and alt.slack, Scientology & Other Cult Horror Tales Round Table, Scrapple Toss

"It's like GITMO, but in reverse." - Rev. Carter €
X-Day postcard 1, Side 2
- Zapanaz
JULY 24-29 - STARWOOD 27, BRUSHWOOD, Sherman, New York, USA
Largest Neo-Pagan and Multi-Weirdo Event in the NE - SubGenius Devival included
August 17-18 - BURNING STAR
Near Syracuse, New York, USA
INSANE FESTIVAL!! Inspired by Burning Man and Starwood.
These are the same guys that brought a Time Machine to the last
Starwood, and caused all that turbulence downStream in the Temporal Timestream. Rev. Ivan Stang Devival and Video Barrage included
Steve Jackson's Illuminati New World Order SubGenius Game - Back in Scatalog
This is a hundred-card non-collectible set from STEVE JACKSON GAMES, written and designed by Steve Jackson and Ivan Stang, featuring over 100 full color art pieces provided by the greatest artists of alt.binaries.slack. It can be played independently, or incorporated within SJG's sprawling ILLUMINATI NEW WORLD ORDER universe of TOTAL PARANOIA.
Here's a preview (from 1997)
Until now, several classic SubGenius videos were only available in VHS. We have painstakingly remastered several of them onto 2 separate DVDs, and added many new extras such as subtitles so that both collections are as densely Slack-packed as possible. Besides the oldies, there's also a brand new collection of 2 hours of SubGenius animation.
X-DAY "1998" DVD
It's like an Hour of Slack radio show, but you can see it. Footage taken from 6 camera sources just before and after the world ended, slam-cut by Rev. Ivan Stang into a compressed vision of life among the SubGeniuses during their violent and apocalyptic X-Day Drill (held at a clothing-optional campground deep in New York's Amish country). ((Winner, Dallas Video Festival, 1998)) 1 hour 44 minutes. Much nudity, profane language.
EXTRAS: 5X-Day 2002 (22 minute dokumentally), X-Day Commercial; DVD menu pages have minute-long special hypnotic soundtracks,
trance-inducing collage imagery
Not recommended for mature audiences
Includes the 1984 NIGHT OF SLACK Devival, The Making of SUBGENIUS/MTV, "Bob's" Lunch Hour, 1990 SubGenius Art Gallery Show, and more
NIGHT OF SLACK -- The legendary 1984 San Francisco revival at which "Bob" first 'died.' Pope David N. Meyer, The Band That Dare Not Speak Its Name, Dr. Hal, Rev. Ivan Stang, Pope Sternodox, Doktors 4 "Bob".
You'll "LAK TO DIE" when you see Dobbs in a flying saucer, blowing up the MTV building (a pyramid with an eye on it); the stop-motion death in flames of Barbie and Ken; live recreations of two SubGenius book covers; and Dobbs being worshiped by slinky devil-girls in Hell. During the sometimes surreal shooting, we also shot this 40-minute look behind the scenes.
The SUBGENIUS ART SHOW AT PSYCHEDELIC SOLUTION GALLERY, NYC (1990) -- now fully subtitled so you can tell who the "famous" celebrities are!
"Bob's" LUNCH HOUR starring Dr. Philo Drummond as "Bob" (Started in1977 - finished in 2007)
Dr. Hal interviewed re: "Bob's" Shooting, 1984
UNSEEN INTERVIEWS: LIES (Paul Mavrides), Pope Sternodox and Puzzling Evidence - uncut footage from 1981 World SubCon videos, shot for Showtime "What's Up America"; LIES & Puzzling Evidence - 2-minute "interview" from 1985; Dr. G. Gordon Gordon Goes Fishing with Snavely and Philo - 1991
PSYCHLODELIACA DVD - The Oilslide Collection
The first hour of this program was made by Rev. Ivan Stang specifically for projection at live stage shows, devivals, raves, etc, and presents pure eye-candy and instrumental music with only the occasional Dobbshead or OverMan peeking through. The second hour involves shorter pieces, animation/music videos focused on "Bob," made mostly by Stang since the Dobbsedeliasteses collection was done. Almost all of these can be seen in gritty no-res teeny-vision on YouTube or Google Video, but many excited SubGenii who have seen these projected at live shows have asked for these trippy visuals on DVD.
"This book should be required reading. This is the best book that truly unmasks the conspiracy. It is so good I am almost taking it seriously. With all due respect to the Book of the SubGenius and the latest one. They are not as in-depth as this one on one specific subject. It is the ultimate SubGenius conspiracy life self help book. Kudos to all involved. Now fuck off." -- Rev. Chain Smerker
Dinosaur Alphabet
By Harry S. Robins (known to the SubGenius Race as Dr. Hal/Dr. Howl)
Frog Ltd./North Atlantic Books
If you're familiar with Hal's comics and SubGenius artwork, I need say little more. DINOSAUR ALPHABET makes the perfect gift for any adult dinosaur fan, because chances are good that this is one book they don't even know about -- in bookstores, it's in the Children's Nonfiction section. This is possibly because each pictured dinosaur is also described in verse!
The dinosaurs (and dinosaur-like creatures) that Hal so vividly describes and depicts in eye-watering color are ones you never heard of -- Euoplocephalus, Fabrosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Huayangosaurus, Quaesitosaurus, Rhoetosaurus, Vulcanodon, Zuniceratops, all of them intricately rendered, and all described in more scientific detail in a long appendix.
See the cover art in these on-web reviews:
Laughing Squid review
Boing-boing review of the book
$18.95 (But only $13.95 at!)
If you like your news delivered to you WEIRD, we heartily recommend subscribing to Rev. Modemac's free Bulldada Newsblog & daily SubGenius Calendar. Every day this SubGenius Mad Doktor collects together the most bizarre and absurd news links from around the Internet. It's as if Charles Fort ran the Drudge Report.
SubGenius wiki sites
Modemac assembled this page of links showing how the Church of
the SubGenius is portrayed on various wiki "encyclopedia" sites out
there. And some of them are indeed pretty OUT THERE.
For that matter, there's more of everything at
SubGenius Ascendancy
The Are You Subgenius Test
St. Byron Werner's amazing radio show RURAL WAR ROOM (broadcast on the Little Rock indie station KABF Tuesdays at
10 pm) now being podcast! to download these half-hour shows
Secret Sex Cult Origins of the SubGenius
Scientists have discovered that both Discordianism and the Church of the SubGenius are actually descended from a secret Islamic sex cult founded in New Jersey in the 1800s!
Discordianism (and SubGenius) in court
religion in court. Discordianism has also appeared in a court case --
along with an explanation of the SubGenius Short Duration Marriage.
Stang Videos (anything WITH Stang) on Video Google
SUB-AD page with Stang vid list
City Lights San Francisco SubGenius Book Signing
In this video excerpt you only see Dr. Hal, but you hear heckling by
Dr. Philo Drummond, Puzzling Evidence, Pissbaptist John Shirley, and
(towards the end) St. Palmer Vreedeez of The LIES Foundation.
(Look at her list of videos and you'll see that B
The Man from SLAK
George Clinton Sub Video
Illuminati Symbols EVERYWHERE!
Revised "BOB" Sayings
The three feature documentaries that I, Stang wrote and edited for director Mickey Grant in the previous century have been put on Google Video by Mickey. These include THE CU CHI TUNNELS, the only American film I know of that depicts the Vietnam War AS RECOUNTED BY THE VIET CONG. Some scenes are pretty excruciating. Also, this film features more one-armed people than most documentaries do.
When you get the ordainment package, remember to fill out and mail back the "Confirmation Postcard" or else you won't get mailings on such occasions as they occur. We've been updating our Sacred Mailing List/Book of Life, or trying to, and it seems that we've sold a lot of Memberships to people who aren't finishing the process by sending in that little postcard.
Donations button
Details of the case
The text of Judge Adams' decision in the case of Reverend Magdalen, is now available online. You can download it from the wiki page for Magdalen, along with all of the other links; the link is available at the top and bottom of the page.
An appellate court hearing is scheduled for May and we have high hopes that once a panel of real judges hears the case, real justice will be done.
Praise be to all who have helped in the fight for Slack for so long!
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